Friday, February 21, 2014

The Island of Jersey

From:  Camille Gunnell
Subject:  Is it really half way?
Date: February 10, 2014 5:06:04 AM MST

Dear Family,

This week I had a wonderful experience happen.  Dad, a couple of weeks ago, wrote a letter and said in it how whenever I get frustrated read the scriptures.  Well I did this week when I was in huge need of some kind of help.  It helped me so much.  "And now behold, saith the Lord,.. because of their unbelief notwithstanding the many mighty works which I have done among them;"  It kind of smacked me in the face.  I wrote down everything that I could at that moment that I have seen that have been mighty works in my life.  I wrote down Matt's conversion, Dad's accident, Landen's pneumonia (however you spell it), going to the temple.. especially the first time I went through with Mom, Dad, and Clay Handy, the protection (the armor) I have had on my mission, getting into BYU, how much I hate school and Him helping me endure and keep going, helping me love the scriptures while on my mission, family unity, that one time when I was about to kill my family driving to Las Vegas not knowing if I should get off at that exit or not, having great friends throughout my whole life that have helped me stay strong, prayers answered, wonderful wards growing up, talents, greatest place to be raised in.. Burley, being able to be involved with the Special Ed during high school, flower shop job, aspen grove job, cars not breaking down while driving them even though they are old, and so much more.  I just am so grateful at this time for my life. 
The gospel is full of hope.  I love it! I love sharing this with everyone and trying to help them come to the realilzation that this is not just a happy, made up story that sounds too good to be true, but that it is actually true. If they just apply the gospel into their lives that they can actually feel of this joy!  IT'S REAL!  I love you all so much!! Have a wonderful week. 
Sister Gunnell

Sister Karyan with Sister Gunnell

From:  Camille Gunnell 
Subject:  Re: FEBRUARY
Date:  February 3, 2014 4:21:12 AM MST

Dear Family,
I love you all so much.  I have felt so much comfort.  I know that Heavenly Father is making things happen to help me.  Angels are lifting me up at this time.  Thank you for all of your prayers.  I know that they have really helped me more than I thought that they could.  This experience has strengthened my testimony in prayer.  
This week I have seen so much good occur.  I have seen myself adjust a lot to this new area and my companion.  Everything in this area is so nice.  
  • busses
  • houses
  • Susana (the member that we live with. We are crammed into this little flat.   She has the cutest little son named Aiden.  Seriously the most incredible women ever!! She has been a member for a year and so strong. She is just an amazing person that I learn from each day.  A couple of days ago we were going out the door to go to work and she said,"Wait! Wait! Wait! CREATE a good day!"  I just love her so much.  She has taught me so much about life.  She is portuguese. 
  • so warm here!!
  • the elders (Elder Kirk and Elder Jackman(he plays the piano like a pro!!).. WOW.. powerhouses!!)
  • the church
  • the people
  • different nationalities (a lot of Portuguese, Polish, French, and English :)
  • the smell.. everything is so clean here
  • running on the beach in the morning... I'm living luxuriously!!!
Singing the Star Spangled Banner to represent America
Now a funny story that is so awesome!! The elders are teaching this man that came to church for the first time yesterday (by the way I spoke yesterday in church.. so many talks out here!).  I sat by him in the Gospel Principles class and he was just staring at the Book of Mormon the whole time.  I would help him focus on the lesson and explain things to him.  Then at the end of the lesson about faith in Jesus Christ, Sister Karyan, after she taught, said, "Does anyone have any questions or any comments."  He  said, "I just have really enjoyed this.  I just feel like I am this little seed going to get bigger."  Then he looked at me and said to the whole class, " And thanks for coming from America!!!"   He was just amazed that I came all the way here from America.  It was just awesome!!  
This area is perfect.  There is so much potential here.  I just am so blessed to be here.  No one will be raining on my parade anytime soon :)  There is no need not to be happy right now.   
The Jersey Ward celebrating a Multi-Cultural Night
The ward here is incredible.  There are so many business men and very very intelligent people.  It is also a family ward which is fun.  Even though there are only like 50 people that come.  There is a big family called the Mackenzies in this ward that remind me so much of the Handys!!  They all want to build this house and with all of their families live in this big house.  I just could imagine the Handys doing that.  Alex Mackenzie is incredible.  She was in 17 miracles and main role in the British pageant and also is a director at the Nauvoo pageant.  We had a mulitcultural activity Saturday night and it was amazing!! We have 15 different nationalities in our ward... just with 50 people.  I made chocolate chip cookies with ice cream and the elders made hot dogs for representing America.  We then sang the Star Spangled Banner.   Our District is BOMB!! Sister Karyan represented Armenia and made a dish.  It was called tolma.. very good!!  Then there was China, Scotland, Wales, Algeria, Egypt, and so many more.  It was a great night.  Alex put on Jai Ho and I danced away.  It was awesome.  Sister Karyan is a big dancer too.  It was a lot of fun.  I feel like I know this ward so well.  Heavenly Father is helping me so much.  I remember it took me forever to get to know my ward in Cornwall, but here I think I made a huge effort to get to the know the members as quick as I could.  It is great. 
I love you all so much.  

From: Camille Gunnell 
Subject:   Re: I am moving to the Island...JERSEY!!!
Date: December 30, 2013 5:03:47 AM MST

Dear Family,
I just found out from an email that I will be headed to the island in our mission... JERSEY!  These are my instructions: Sister Gunnell can take 1 10kg carry-on and 1 20kg suitcase on her flight to Jersey. The rest of her things will be stored at the office.  I will be leaving a lot behind. This is going to be a new experience :) My companion's name is Sister Karyan.  I will be there for a long time because of the expense of flying... probably six months at the least.  Oh what a new life I am going to have.  I can't stop laughing.  I am excited for the future, but I will hate to leave this wonderful area of mine. 
I had a wonderful Christmas.  Talking to you all was very hard, but with this new area I am excited to work hard and put all of my heart into this work.  I feel so good about all of this.  Remember when I told you about a dream that I had before I knew where I was going on my mission about me walking down a road.. it looked like an island.. well I think that that dream is coming true even in England.  I have no idea how big this island is or what. 
Matt was confirmed yesterday.  He said that he just feels so good.  It is so awesome.  Tomorrow is his wedding in the chapel.  It will be a great end of this time in this area.  I have loved serving here.  I will never forget all of the memories.  While change is happening, these are the times when I think back to all of the good, funny times that I have had.  I love it.  I will be emailing you next week from an island.  Here we go! I never thought that this would happen!! So much love to all of you!! Ready to go serve the people on St. Helier, Jersey.  Wish me luck :)
Sister Gunnell

Sister Gunnell and Sister Moulis enjoying
 England's wet weather.

The Best Christmas Present 
Sisters from her zone meeting at The London Temple
and mission home for a holiday gathering

Her Cornwall District