From: Camille Gunnell
Date: November 11, 2013 5:20:47 AM MST
Dear Family,
This week has been a crazy one. I think that this happens because of the end of the transfer and not knowing what is going to happen. Also, we pretty much don't have a teaching pool anymore. We are starting from scratch. For some reason, it feels like this happens after every transfer. But hey that is alright. I just need to look at the bigger picture. It is really easy to get caught up in the little things on the mission. The numbers, goals, and key indicators are really important, but all of that is not up to my agency, but others. I hate when our numbers are low and it looks like we aren't working hard. Heavenly Father knows though. I know He does.
Can you believe that I have been out here for pretty much six months? It is crazy to me. Yesterday, President Millar called and informed me that I will be the staying in the west for a little longer and being the Sister Trainer Leader. Also, Sister Moulis and I are staying together! It is very good. It is also exciting because we will be together for Christmas in Cornwall!! I can't believe that I will be in this area for at least seven and a half months.
This transfer is going to be a good one. I know that I am going to see miracles happen. No doubt. I love feeling the Spirit and knowing that I am on the Lord's errand each day. This church is true. We are all sons and daughters of a LOVING Heavenly Father that truly helps us along the way. I am so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost because it calms my heart in times of need. I am grateful to pray to a Heavenly Father that hears and answers my prayers even though it is sometimes really hard to see how. He is literally shaping me into someone that I never expected I could become. We have a companion inventory each week and we tell each other one another's strengths. Sister Moulis said this week that I am so bold in everything that I do and that when I have a goal or something that I am striving to achieve, I will do everything I can to achieve it. Before my mission, I did not have these traits. I know it. What she said just was Heavenly Father letting me know that He is shaping me into someone that will be able to do what He needs me to do in the future for Him. Jesus Christ is who keeps me going. He truly does strengthen me and makes me realize how crucial it is to do all in my power to bring people to come unto Him. I feel like I am gaining a relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ more than I thought even possible in this life. Even though times are difficult, I wouldn't want to be representing anyone else on my heart every day. It helps me press on and keep walking in the fog, mist, rain, wind, and cold. I love you all. Keep holding on to the truths that you know. Never doubt your faith. Keep the fire burning!!
Sister Gunnell
She loves the sisters! |
She loves her bishop! He forgave her for breaking the glass. |
From: Camille Gunnell
Subject: Incredible news!
Date: October 28, 2013 5:52:59 AM MDT
Dear Family,
This week was awesome. I was spiritually fed!! I was able to do an exchange with a girl that came out with me in the MTC. She is an incredible missionary. She just needs that desire to work. She asked me what makes me have the desire to work. I had never thought about it. I just told her that I know that that is what Heavenly Father wants me to do right now so I just do it. These sisters are amazing. If they could only see how incredible they actually are.
Then a day later was Plymouth Stake Conference. We were able to go to the Adult Session Saturday evening and then stay at the Exeter sister's flat. President and Sister Millar were there. They are just absolutely incredible. They spoke in Conference and they have so much power to their words. The conference was all about missionary work. It was awesome. There are so many missionaries in this stake now. All the missionaries stood up at a time and it was just so cool to see. I love interacting with these wonderful people.
As you can tell we had to travel SO much. Even though we did so, we were able to do so much in our area. It was incredible. Heavenly Father sure does love us. Sister Moulis and I pushed ourselves so hard to work every minute that we were in our area together. By doing so, we were able to see miracles happen. It was a great week. This week is even better though.. to start off hearing where Bridger is serving. This morning in personal and companionship study, I couldn't focus because I was just thinking about where Bridger would be serving. This is the weirdest part about it all. We have this map wrapped up standing by the wall (we had it up on the wall, but then it fell down. We put it up to guess where Bridger would be going). Well the one place that was facing me was Australia. I was thinking this morning if maybe the place is Australia.. and it IS!! So awesome!! I wanted to go to Australia! The Lord has FOR SURE taken care of Bridger like what President Eyring said. The only advice I can give him is PREPARE NOW!! Start living how you would on the mission. It isn't an easy transition that is for sure. Start studying and getting prepared physically and spiritually. You need all the help that you can get beforehand. Preach My Gospel is awesome. Get comfortable with it now Bridger. I have so much advice that I would love to say. AAHH when I opened up my email I couldn't keep the tears in. I just know Heavenly Father loves us all, especially Bridger for this sacrifice he is making. Just remember the Lord doesn't call anyone to fail!! Enjoy these moments with the family. Enjoy sleeping in. Enjoy not being in a rush 24/7. Enjoy hanging out with your friends. Enjoy relaxing. On the mission you get none of that. There is a reason though. The mission is awesome.
Sister Gunnell
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Her new Cornwall coat |
From: Camille Gunnell
Subject: Five Months
Date: October 14, 2013 5:18:34 AM MDT
Dear Family,
I always enjoy so much getting all of your emails and hearing what is happening in your worlds. I feel like it was another lifetime when I was home, but time is also going by fast. This past week a lot of things happened. We did an exchange with Sister O'Brien and Sister Barrow. They are awesome missionaries in our District in St. Austell. I love them. Sister Barrow was able to come here to my area. She is awesome. She gave up running for BYU to come on this mission. Her whole life was focused on running and then now it has completely changed. What a hard transition, but she loves the work. These missionaries are just incredible. We were able to teach a lot of people this week. Weeks like this past week are the times that make me look back and love what I am doing. I love seeing progress in myself, in Sister Moulis, and in the work. Even if a couple people flogged, hey ho life goes on.
A lot of sisters are having rough times right now. I am having to help them and just listen to them while they express their concerns. Wow these girls are amazing. This work is so hard, but they all have testimonies that inspire me. When they are going through a hard time and are crying to me on the phone I just say to them, "Why are you really out here?" and then they bare their testimonies to me and it makes me cry every time. I know that the Savior loves me. I know that I wouldn't be the person that I am without the gospel principles so strongly taught in my home growing up. These sisters know this too. I just look up to all of them so much. I am glad that they feel comfortable opening up to me and expressing themselves to me. I love and pray for them all of the time. It is crazy all of the things that are on my mind these days. I am not just a missionary anymore. I have to train and I also have to help these girls love the mission. President Millar sent me a letter that I will cherish forever. It is about my calling and how much he expects and how much he appreciates me. I love my President. I try to be as good as I can. I have focused a lot this week on in the scriptures how when I really am converted I will have no desire to do evil. I will only want to do good. This is what I am still aiming for and will be probably my whole life. Little by little though I see myself improving and wanting to just do good. I was thinking back to even just five years ago and how much I have grown. I love where I am now. I love where the mission is taking me. I want to be exactly obedient so I can feel peace and happiness in my heart. Sometimes this is very hard to do, but I have seen the miracles happen because of it and I don't want to interrupt the Lord's work by my selfish doings.
Thank you for the love and support I feel each day. You help me out more than you realize. This week is going to be a very good week. We have so much planned like painting a less actives (the Junners) home, two teaches tonight, going visiting teaching with an amazing member, doing an exchange, relief society activity, eating at the bishop's home (and talking about everything!!), and lots and lots of people behind doors to teach about this amazing message we share! I love you! Keep going strong and finding ways to share the gospel. It is the best feeling ever when I do.
Sister Gunnell
P.S. Two stories. My goal this week was to talk to people on the bus. Most of the time I was really nervous, but there was two times that Heavenly Father made it possible for me to by praying for the opportunity. There was one old lady that was making faces at this baby in front of the bus so I started talking to her about her children. She wasn't too interested, but I gave her a card anyway before she got off the bus. Then there was another lady that was sitting near to us and she had a backpack that had a little sewn on badge thing of Utah National Park. I started talking to her about that and she said that she just came back from Utah a week ago. She had so many badges from all around the world. It was amazing. She went to Yellowstone, SLC, Zions, and all of the places in between. I told her about how my family and I used to always go to Yellowstone. I asked if she went to Temple Square and she said that she went and heard the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing. I started talking to her about the church. BAM!! connections!! She started saying while there, there was a lot of the group that went into the family history center. (Just so much stuff to talk about to this lady!) We started talking about her beliefs and she doesn't believe in God.. ok how can someone listen to the MOTAB and not feel the Spirit?! That is when I get really confused. She was such a sweet lady and I loved feeling like I was at home talking about Yellowstone and everything. I gave her the St. Austell sister's card because that is where she was from. I really enjoyed talking to her. Heavenly Father gives us ways to talk to people. We just need to open our mouths.. that is the hardest part. Even if nothing came about talking to these two women, I know that Heavenly Father finds ways for us to share the gospel. I realize that this work isn't just about these people, it is about helping us too. I see Heavenly Father helping me probably more than I help other people. I know that might sound selfish of me, but its true in my
eyes. Go share the gospel!!!!!!
She loves letters from GiGi and packages from Idaho! |
From: Camille Gunnell
Subject: Transfer 4
Date: October 7, 2013 5:33:19 AM MDT
Dear Family,
I am already almost five months out!! Wouldn't take any of these months back! They have been so hard, but so worth it. The gospel is true and the happiness that it brings I have to share with everyone. The only place it is hard for me to share is on the busses. This week my goal is to share the gospel on the busses. I am really nervous, but really excited for my challenge. We take busses everywhere because our area is so big. We sometimes are on the busses for two hours a day getting to and from places. This time is the Lord's time and I need to use it wisely.
This week zoomed by with General Conferene and with traveling to Staines for the Missionary Leadership Conference. (On October 2, Camille was called to be a Trainer Leader.) Ok, there I even felt more out of place. The only people that go are the Zone Leaders (about 30 in the mission), the 2 Assistants to the President (Elder Romney just got called to be one of them!), the Sister Training Leaders (8 of us in the mission), and President Millar and Sister Millar. This time was much different than last time. Last time I just enjoyed it all and kind of relaxed. This time I was taking notes like crazy! So much was said that was so good and that I want to apply. I was the youngest one there by far. There are all of these elders and sisters that have been out for more than half of their missions and here I am still feeling like a "greeney." I was without a doubt the youngest one there. This is a challenge I never thought I would have to have during my mission. President is so awesome though. The things that he said, I knew that I could do. He said with everyone that we are helping or around get down to their level and lift them up. It is so easy look down on people, but the remarks President said really helped me understand what I need to do as a Sister Training Leader. I need to get to where they are at and then grab their hand and push on together. These are the things that I know that I will need for the rest of my life. Also some intimidating news.. the leaders areas are supposed to be baptizing areas. Also, model areas for the rest of the mission. President was urging us to have one baptism A MONTH. I am so grateful for that conference because it gives me a lot of peace about what my purpose is as a leader. Time is going to go by so fast with these exchanges happening every week. There are 6 companionships, including Sister Moulis and I, in this zone. Five of the six are training. I am excited to meet all of these new sisters and help them in any way possible. Hopefully I can help in some way. The whole time I was at MLC I was just thinking how proud all of these elder's moms would be if they saw their sons. I wish that I just could give them a little clip of what I saw. Heavenly Father has his best soldiers out in the battle field at this time. These elders are just incredible and strong. I remember in my setting apart blessing there was something said about how I will have an influence on the elders or something out here. I think that this calling is making that happen. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such strong people that have on the armor of God.
One cool thing that also happened was Sister Moulis went to Sister Barlow's area and I was able to be with Sister Barlow again!! It was like we were companions all over again. When she saw me she was like I knew it! I knew you would be the Sister Training Leader. She is too kind. We couldn't stop talking in the car, at night (we probably went to bed at 1), and the whole time (except in the meeting). It was so good to talk with her. I miss our conversations. We just talked so easily with eachother. It is crazy how different companions can be. I love them both though :) She is a wonderful missionary that works so hard. I hope to one day be like her. We all do struggle though. Times are tough on the mission.. especially when we don't see the fruits of our labors. We keep pressing on though because this is the Lord's work. I slept on the floor for two nights straight. I probably only got a couple hours of sleep. I am exhausted and will probably sleep this whole P-Day.
General Conference was a spiritual feast. I just felt that the veil was so close during the whole thing. Also, Sister Moulis and I after said to eachother, "The Second Coming is going to happen sooner than we think." So much was said about covenants and missionary work. This is our time to shine and bring people to know of our Savior and Redeemer. I just can't believe how much I enjoyed conference this time. I don't think that I have ever watched and listened to every word so intently as I did this weekend. This church is true. The spirit that I felt throughout the entire meeting I will remember forever. I want everyone to feel of that spirit that I felt. I want everyone to know of the Savior's love for them. I want everyone to know how the gospel of Jesus Christ can bring such happiness in peace into their lives. I don't know what I would do with out the gospel. I am so grateful for the covenants that I have made with my Father in Heaven. I hope to always strive to live worthily. It breaks my heart knowing how many people break their covenants. It breaks Heavenly Father's heart even more, but there is a way to come back and that is through the Savior's love. I am so grateful for my Savior. He helps me in every situation these days. We stayed with some sisters (Sister O'Brien and Sister Barrow) on Friday night and Sister O'Brien was reading a card from a primary child that was in her home ward. It said, "I hope you are enjoying your time becoming closer to your Heavenly Father." It really touched me. This is what this time is about. I am so grateful that I have this time to devote all of my time and energy to my Heavenly Father and become closer to Him. The days are rough, but I know Heavenly Father is smiling down on me and cheering me on. That is what keeps me going.
My Transfer Scripture is Alma 26:27.
"Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst they brethren, the people of England, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success."
Remember last time I told you that my transfer goal is patience. Isn't this scripture so fitting?! I read it right after I made that attribute my goal. The results of patience (Alma 26):
- instruments in the hands of the Lord
- thousands were brought into the church
- when life gets stormy, they will stand strong
I want to see these outcomes happen because of my patience and diligence just like in the scriptures. I know that it can happen :)
By the way, I can't wait to hear where Bridger is going!! The whole time that I was at MLC I was thinking what an extraordinary missionary he will be. I think that he is going to be called to serve in the England London South Mission and I will be training him... haha jk, but that would be pretty hilarious. Then we could be companions... maybe. Anyways wherever he is called to serve is sure a lucky place to have him accomplishing the Lord's work.
I love you all!! I hope you keep holding strong to the faith! Pray for missionary opportunities to happen in your life and I promise that they will. Don't be scared to share the gospel in any way possible! Everyone needs this!!
Sister Gunnell